Welcoming a new year

By Margarita Munoz Salazar

Nengajo (年賀状) is a traditional Japanese New Year’s greeting card. It is sent as a happy-new-year greeting to friends, family, and coworkers. Nengajo usually include drawings or pictures related to the new year, like the zodiac animal for that year, traditional Japanese symbols, or landscapes. People frequently include handwritten notes with the pictures, wishing the receiver good health, happiness, and prosperity in the upcoming year. In Japan, sending and receiving nengajo is a common tradition. It is considered respectful to exchange these cards during the New Year’s holiday. 

I was able to participate in a Nengajo contest for the Japan Information & Culture Center. Since this year is the year of the dragon, I put my drawing skills to the test and made a drawing based on the Japanese film Spirited Away by Hayao Miyazaki. I enjoyed participating in this tradition as it was a fun way to be part of the celebration of a new year. 

As something that is not very common to do in the US, Nengajo is a good way to signify that you care about someone especially if you take the time out of your day to make a drawing or include a message.  

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